Thursday, December 11, 2008

For as long as I can remember my grandmother has been the core of our Christmas celebration.  Yes, my mother has been the driving force behind our belief in the magic of the holiday, the ultimate advocate of "be good or there will be nothing but coal",  "Santa is watching", and her love for the enchanting nature of the entire experience.  

However,  Nan always sat quietly by as if patiently waiting her turn to tell the "true" story of Christmas. . . and tell it she would.  On Christmas Eve every year after all the excitement of Santa and presents and cousins and family and loudness she would sit us down in our matching pajamas (for real) and read to us out of the Bible. 

As I grow and experience life, I have spent a few Christmas's away from family on my own and I realize that the sound of her voice and the depth of her belief in this holiday as she knows it is really something to treasure.  I feel so completely thankful to be back in her presence one more Christmas Holiday and look forward to her story as we are sent off to bed... (or Santa won't come...according to my mother).

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