Monday, July 26, 2010

another day in pictures

Life is such bliss when spent here:
I began my Sunday morning swinging in this hammock drinking my coffee
turns out, Sunday was Farm Day in we went to visit Andy's friend, Perry Elle, at Elle's Farm on our way to check out some tractors (clearly I was along for the ride).
if anyone knows what kind of flower this is, would love to's blooming and beautiful in the garden-farm.
ohhh, and did I mention we started digging for the oven.
think prep table!
I ended my day with a beer in the hammock with this view
and as I crossed the bridge to the island on my drive home Sunday night. For real.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday!


Marsha said...

I believe your flower is a dahlia. (And I enjoy your blog.)

j.may and a.clay said...

thank you! It's one beauuutiful Dahlia, and thanks for reading!