That being said I was looking at some Portland, OR inspiration as I sometimes do and realized that here in the mid-coast I have experienced nothing that even comes close to the pizza I have been a part of at the bakery in Flat Rock, NC or at Tastebud in Portland, Oregon and I think amongst the crew that I am beginning to meet it would be quite a hit. Sooooo, Andy got in on the scheme... wood fired pizza here in Union once or twice a week, maybe some music by friends (okay...dreamin' again)...but really, amazing pizza and simple desserts out of the oven. How magical!!
Really.... who's with me??!!
(it might be a bit premature, but I couldn't help's mid February in Maine and the fire is a bit low, this was just the thing I needed tonight!)
......................... dreaming of really yummy pizza
can the readers get a strait on head shot of the boy....PALEASE?
Nice to read your blog.
Have you seen ?
They bake too.
Marilyn... I will do my best! haha, he is pretty adorable :)
gz.. thanks so much! I love the pictures on your blog, they are absolutely beautiful. I will check out S Blossom Farm!
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