Saturday, February 13, 2010

it might be a bit premature...but I think it's for real

While Andy was taking a big snooze this afternoon on the couch I was surfing away on the Internet (and in dreamland) as I sometimes do about food. As usual I got a bit carried away by the strong waves of passion I feel about wood fired ovens and upon awaking Andy got an ear full of a grand new scheme in the works about said wood fired oven that, I must add, we had already planned on building come Spring. Well this oven began as a simple clay ordeal and quickly turned into a full scale (once again the "full scale" is part of my dreamland) oven with timber frame and slate roof...(turns out Andy is quite the dreamer as well...thank god).

That being said I was looking at some Portland, OR inspiration as I sometimes do and realized that here in the mid-coast I have experienced nothing that even comes close to the pizza I have been a part of at the bakery in Flat Rock, NC or at Tastebud in Portland, Oregon and I think amongst the crew that I am beginning to meet it would be quite a hit. Sooooo, Andy got in on the scheme... wood fired pizza here in Union once or twice a week, maybe some music by friends (okay...dreamin' again)...but really, amazing pizza and simple desserts out of the oven. How magical!!

Really.... who's with me??!!

(it might be a bit premature, but I couldn't help's mid February in Maine and the fire is a bit low, this was just the thing I needed tonight!)

......................... dreaming of really yummy pizza


marilyn said...

can the readers get a strait on head shot of the boy....PALEASE?

gz said...

Nice to read your blog.
Have you seen ?

They bake too.

j.may and a.clay said...

Marilyn... I will do my best! haha, he is pretty adorable :)

gz.. thanks so much! I love the pictures on your blog, they are absolutely beautiful. I will check out S Blossom Farm!