sauvie island farm flowers
Dave loves pickles....Dave really loves pickles. So, last Monday in a drizzle of rain, we trekked out to Sauvie Island (a predominantly farmland and wildlife refuge which is an absolute must see for anyone visiting the area) to pick our own cucumbers for pickling. While we were there, we noticed that peaches were a mere $1.25 a pound when you bought 15 pounds or more...you guessed, we got 20 pounds, thinking, no big deal, we LOVE peaches, we'll just can those too! We got them home, started peeling the skins off and found that were were up to our ears in peach, while searching for more bowls to put them in we wondered what else could we possible do with them? Peach butter it was, but still after simmering down 8 pounds of peaches, we STILL had more........so there we sat, after a marathon canning extravaganza eating peach cobbler on the floor (for every surface in our apartment was now covered in canned peaches of one kind or another. All said and done I think we have eight quarts of canned peaches, five pints of peach butter, and enough peach cobbler to feed our apartment complex (or apparently Dave for breakfast if he's "real hungry").
Pickles would have to wait till tomorrow.
DMACCCC ATTTACKKKKKKK, ITS SPRINKLES AND DANNNY WOOOHOOOOOOO, lets be blog friends, sweet. how u been, and also please expodite this process imediatly, 3...2...1..., you kno wat it is. o yeah, this bakery rules, it rules big.
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