After a bit of a trek through the back woods of Union Maine we found a tree that would "due." The sun was setting and he needed a tree.
Over streams,
down a couple of fairly steep embankments
and through some underbrush that had Finn second guessing whether or not it was doable he looked up and thought...that looks pretty good. Soooo, he sawed, and sawed and sawed I quietly wondered how the hell we would get that HUGE tree from the spot where it now lay back over the stream, up the embankment (did I mention they were snow covered??) and over all the tangled underbrush. The funny thing is, he didn't even think twice. Finn, I am sure, thought it a great adventure. I carried the saw.
The tree made it back, missing a couple more branches (which it really couldn't afford to lose) and was erected in the living room. I think it was ten feet tall. I think. I wish I had a picture to show you all. Maybe I will still take one. We decorated it with lights, antique ornaments, and oh, yeah, we thought it would be a great idea to string popcorn and cranberries. Wow, is that a project. Not quite as fun as it sounds and not one to be started at six in the evening when you really just wanted the tree decorated!
Anyway, it really did put me in the spirit of the holiday with the fire, the smell of pine, and yes, we even listened to Christmas songs (I can hear some of you groan...) it felt really nice sitting on the couch admiring the very tall, quite branchless masterpiece that we had just finished.
Happy Holidays and Happy Solstice hope everyone stays warm and cozy and celebrates with those you love!!